I have a whole heap of photos from my recent trips to Blue Mountains (about a month ago) and Melbourne (last week). While I would love to share them all, it would take you probably a year to scroll through them all...
Instead, I think I'm planning on doing a shorter, broad post on each trip and then sharing a few photos here and there possibly on a weekly basis until your sick of them (I give it 4 weeks).
Because today I'm going to start with a few teaser photos while I work on the individual trip posts...
The Blue Mountains.

The highlight of this trip was the outrageously gorgeous scenery everywhere, especially only being a two-hour train ride out of Sydney. Home of the freshest air I've breathed in ages.

An amazing city with a rather nice tram system (I'm pretty keen for anything that isn't busses, don't even get me started on how much I loath them... then again I live in Sydney).
Our first night we took one from our hostel in St. Kilda to the Yarra river where we got to watch some rowers amongst the sunset.. and a giant goose.