Friday, September 23, 2011

Aaaand just like that...

Within the three hours I was at work it went from a sunny 89F to a very blustery and grey 55F degrees (32-17c). Needless to say the ice creamery was packed up until this freakish, sudden, bitch weather came.  The boss was very attentively watching it come in and the dramatic change actually happened within 20 minutes. Which left me cleaning for the last 45 minutes. Oh joy.

When I was walking home I couldn't stop staring at the bay with the breaking water and mist. I looove the cool colors of dusk especially adorned with mist (or fog, I'm not picky). So naturally, the camera was busted out. And now there are photos for you to enjoy!

Now lets just hope this doesn't bring the predicted rain. I was kinda hoping on going to Bondi and boogie boarding this weekend...

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