Upon hearing the news of instagram finally going 'droid, I became an instawhore.
If you'd like to be showered in many mundane life pictures of mine add me: pilgrimmemoirs
Otherwise I'll inflict you weekly here, because that's the blogger thing to do, right?
But without further ado, I present you my first week in instagram pics...
I had my last week of major hand-ins before this my two-week holiday started. I'm pretty stoked to finally not be spending so much time overnighting it here and getting my hands stained with ink.
Early in the week there was a mini-break from classwork to celebrate this fine lady's 22nd birthday!
The rose wine was even busted out.
Daylight savings came and brought 5 o'clock sunsets with it... probably the most depressing thing about summer leaving.
Then I go home and think my dinner of cold organic pasta and IKEA elderflower juicebox is a legit fancy meal. ohhh my life...
While summer may be leaving, the best thing about it is that I'm in Australia, where winter is hardly even winter... at least compared to Wisconsin.
There are still days where I can watch sunsets over the water and kick-off the boots and study on what very little grass UTS has.
Okay, now comes the best part. The friday night drinks that end at our favorite, and I think only, 24-hour cafe in Sydney.
International students have way more fun.
Okay, yes, I went to the beach... but stayed on the sand while my beloved german did all the snorkeling. As I mentioned before, we're in autumn, don't let even the sunniest days fool you into thinking it's a good beach day!
Regardless, when I stop being a wimp, snorkeling will be done because I can't keep myself from the beauty that is beneath this surface!
Okay, this was neither last week or from instagram, but it is a sneak peak into a post that is coming up soon about my weekend away in the Blue Mountians. prepare your eyes for some stunning sights ;)